Monday 25 April 2011


We had a green screening workshop and worked with some students to create a science project. We recorded students performing their research in front of the green screen and then we added images to the green screen using the adobe program that matched the aspects of the students topics .

We were then able to try the technique ourselves and we choose to read a story. We set up the equipment and took turns to read sections of the story while filming in front of the green screen. We then added images from the story book at appropriate sections of the story .

Unfortunately we were limited in time and we were not able to complete all of the filming and editing so it is a basic version of the finished product. Given more time we would have edited the film properly and cut our all of our talking inbetween takes and spent more time getting the lighting and shooting perfect.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have you had the chance to use this in your teaching yet? Where do you think it could be useful?

  3. We have suggested it for some students at Truro college as they are filming a news room and thought this would save building a set, they could just add it in behind them.
