Thursday 16 June 2011

Radio Roseland

I spent the morning working in the Radio Roseland studio. I learnt the general running of the station and how students learn how to run the station for themselves. I was given a tutorial on how to produce a sweeper or jingle to advertise the radio station, I have attached a copy of this to my subject knowledge audit CD.
These are examples of students exam work for the Art GCSE Key stage 4. I was involved in assisting some students with special requirements, and in the planning and developing of concepts and ideas prior to the students exam.

These are some examples of the work that i have 
been doing with Yr 8 Key stage 3 Art students. 
We have been studying aboriginal art, techniques 
and artists and students designed and created their 
own pieces of aboriginal art using similar techniques, 
colours and tools, such as withies and ash twigs to 
paint with. 


Examples of some year 7 Key stage 3, ceramic work that i have been helping with at school, this has really enabled me to learn about the medium and I am now confident taking these lessons myself and I have been extending my own knowledge of the subject and reading the complete potters guide and developing other techniques and processes to further my knowledge.