Sunday 12 December 2010

Subject Session - Photography

My subject session was focused on composition and perspective in photography. I gave each person a toy animal with a selection of headlines relating to the animal and each person had to take their own photograph of the animal to fit with the context of the headline.

Insecticide treated grass causes health problems for elephants.

Barmy weather means spring lambs are born in the deepest mid winter.

Zebra thrives in new habitat.

Pencil Drawings

Across all the year groups all students were set a task of drawing shoes. they could do it how ever they wanted and as many times as they wanted within the hour long class. The teacher used this as a way of establishing the grades of the stduents and assessing their progress and performance. This is the shoe that drew.

Tessellation patterns

In Art this week I learnt about Tessillation patterns we traced a pattern and then rotated our original pattern and traced it around the page to make a tessillated pattern. Here are some examples.